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Ateliers et événements


Entreprise Renfrew County offre une variété d'occasions de se connecter à d'autres entrepreneurs tout en apprenant auprès d'experts en matière de soutien à la croissance et au développement des petites entreprises.

Les ateliers virtuels sont gratuits et des frais minimes peuvent s'appliquer pour assister à des événements en personne afin de couvrir le coût des boissons, des collations ou des repas.

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Ateliers et événements

Liens d’information et d’inscription

Réussir en affaires : les webinaires francophones

Rejoignez-nous pour ces séances d'information dispensées en français. L'IA pour l'analyse et les études de marché avec Bernard Charlebois de BOUM Stratégies (6 mars), et Comptabilité simplifiée avec Patricia Lussier de Comptabilité CNR (11 mars). 10h à 11h30.

Join us for these informative sessions delivered in French. AI for Market Analysis and Market Research with Bernard Charlebois of BOUM Strategies (March 6), and Simplified Bookkeeping with Patricia Lussier of CNR Bookkeeping (March 11).  10am to 11:30 am. 

Clover Merchant Services Orientation

April 8 (10:00 am - 11:00am Virtual Webinar

Do you own a restaurant, retail, eCommerce, or service business? Clover solutions help small business owners manage daily tasks, regardless of where your business is at. Learn more about products and solutions during the Clover Merchant Services Orientation webinar. Facilitated by Bruce Averill, Agent of Fiserv CANADA Ltd. 

Business Basics For Newcomers

April 11th (3pm - 4pm). This event is hybrid and may be attended virtually or in-person at the Renfrew Public Library. In this informative session facilitated by Jade Calver of Calver Immigration Services Ltd., learn about business ownership and the rules and restrictions related to operating a business under temporary status for students, work permits, and general work authorizations. Understand permanent residency pathways related to entrepreneurship and the importance of seeking professional advice. 

Hosted by Enterprise Renfrew County in partnership with the Renfrew County Community Futures Development Corporation, the Local Immigration Partnership, the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario) the Government of Ontario, Renfrew Public Library and Township of McNab Braeside.  

Unlock the Secrets to Hiring Success Series

10:00 am - 11:30 am

Facilitated by Kris Dawson, People & Culture Strategist

April 29: Hiring Essentials – Attract Top Talent

Ready to elevate your recruitment game? Join in for an engaging session that covers the key steps: Planning, Posting, Screening, and Selection. Fine-tune your process, understand your legal obligations, and learn the essential Do’s and Don’ts of interviewing. Plus, discover creative ways to attract top talent and ensure you're reaching the right candidates in all the right places.

May 6: Lasting Impressions – Onboarding Tips

You’ve made the perfect hire, now what? Learn how to seamlessly onboard your new team members with tips and tricks to set them up for success from day one. Onboarding doesn’t have to be a chore – make it a smooth and impactful experience that leaves a lasting impression!
May 13: Finders Keepers - Retention Success

So you’ve secured your top talent – now how do you keep them? Explore retention strategies that go beyond the basics, and discover simple yet powerful ways to ensure your team members stay and thrive with you for the long haul.

Delivered in partnership with Renfrew County Community Futures Development Corporation, Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario) and the Province of Ontario. Sponsored by the Town of Petawawa, City of Pembroke, and Township of McNab Braeside. 

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