Entrepreneuriat inspirant


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Webinar Resources
Navigating New Normals: Adaptive Marketing for Small Business

Presented by Sherry Crummy of Crummy Media Solutions. Learn essential strategies for adapting your marketing efforts to evolving economic conditions, unexpected disruptions, and seasonal changes. Learn how to stay ahead in a shifting business landscape.
Mastering the Essential
Steps of Sales Series

Presented by David Cohen of Your Big Venture. Looking to refine your sales approach to build lasting client relationships? Learn a 7-step sales process that covers everything from prospecting to closing deals, with a focus on empathy, client solutions, and relationship-building.
PARO Circles
Programme Series

Presented by Renée Gendron of PARO Centres in partnership with Renfrew County Community Futures Development. This webinar series is designed to support and empower women entrepreneurs. These interactive sessions are perfect for learning, networking, and building connections with like-minded women in your community.
PARO Website​

Presented by Randall Baran-Chong, CPA, CA, the founder and CEO of BizBridge, a tech company supporting the transition and sale of SMBs. Understand how a succession plan improves business value and long-term sustainability while allowing for a smooth transition of your business to new ownership.
Découvrez les services d'appui aux entrepreneur-e-s francophones de la FGA

Êtes-vous un entrepreneur francophone intéressé à démarrer ou à faire croître votre entreprise ? Joignez-vous Aïssatou Sonko à la Fédération des gens d'affaires francophones de l'Ontario pour en apprendre davantage sur les services disponibles qui vous aideront à atteindre vos objectifs.
site web FGA​
Tax Prep for Sole Proprietors & HST Reporting

Presented by Andrew Seguin, founder and owner of Seguin Financial. Two sessions available: discover valuable insights into tax saving tips on completing your taxes as a sole proprietor or learn how to navigate HST reporting including best practices for accurate preparation to avoid common mistakes.
Marketing Channels

Presented by Sarah Norton of REPLY-All:.
In this webinar, explored how to select the appropriate marketing channels for their businesses. Examine crucial factors such as cost, effort, potential impact, and the feasibility of do-it-yourself implementation.

Presented by Matt Thompson of Thompson Coaching. ​In this webinar, master the art of selling with confidence! Learn the essential steps of effective selling and boost your revenue using the DEBUT Model. Transform your approach to sales and increase your conversion rate.
Neurodivergent Entrepreneurship: How to Work With Your Brain

Presented by Erin Curtis of Dragonfly Family & Learning Services. This webinar is designed to provide insight and tools for neurodivergent entrepreneurs to tap into their unique abilities, helping them thrive and overcome challenges in the business world.
Neurodivergent Success at Work: How to Support Your Neurodiverse Team

Presented by Erin Curtis of Dragonfly Family & Learning Services. This webinar is designed for employers and teams, teaching strategies to foster a more inclusive work environment by supporting neurodiverse team members effectively.